Friday, April 10, 2015

Weighing 20 tons and 45 to 66 ft long I present the great, the large, the powerful
Sei Whale!

The Sei Whale is found in various places in the world. From the oceans near Southern Chile and Antarctica to the Gulf of California or Coastal East Africa. These whales can swim up to 30 mph and are vital to the ecosystems in which they live. At the top of the food chain they help balance the marine environment food webs. However these whales are in danger. 

The Threats

Since the 1860's Sei Whales have been hunted by humans. This number drastically increased in the 1960's when there were declines in other whale populations. Even worse every year the Japanese kill up to 50 Sei Whales for "scientific" research. 

Finally, these whales can be caught in fish nets and can be killed by pollution.
What then can we do to help them?

The answer is the International Whaling Commission or IWC. The IWC is an organization that works to eliminate threats to marine creatures including the Sei Whale. Measures include getting regulations on shipping and dealing with problems of hunting.

Don't let these beautiful creatures die, learn more at WWF and go make a difference.

1 comment:

  1. It's really sad that Japan is hunting these creatures in the name of science. A real scientist wouldn't hurt them.
