Friday, March 13, 2015

This week we are discussing the adorable creature called the red panda! Now some of you may say "What is a red panda?" While others will exclaim "OH MY GOODNESS RED PANDAS ARE THE BEST!!!!1!!1" Well my friends, I will inform you about the wonders of the red panda as well as the reasons to stop being so uncontrollably excited about them.

As seen above, the red panda vaguely resembles what most people think of when they hear the word "panda." By vaguely I mean they both have colored fur and ears. The giant panda species, as we all know and love, weighs about 250 lbs. Our lovely counterpart, the red panda, weighs 20 lbs. I'd say they are most definitely related somewhere along the tree of life.  
So now that we know we which panda we are talking about, we can learn some more things about it. According to National Geographic the red panda lives in the same area as the giant panda, but in a wider range. Living in the mountainous regions of Nepal and Burma, these little pandas love to chill in trees. Their diet consists of bamboo, but unlike their stupid giant counterparts, their diet consists of other foods as well. Fruits, acorns, roots, and eggs, red pandas know how to eat. 
As cute as the little creatures may be, they do have some downsides. First, when it comes to mating, they have a pretty bad family environment. Most red pandas are shy except during mating season and live a sad and lonely life of tree sleeping and eating. But once mating season hits love finds its way. Females typically have 1 to 4 offspring which go on to stay in their nest for 90 days. During this time the father panda ignores his mate and children and doesn't pay welfare. What a great guy. After the 90 days the baby pandas get their college degree and go into the world of tree sleeping and eating. The wonderful life. 
Besides the interesting habits of the red panda, they also face endangerment. Caused mainly by deforestation and the spread of agriculture, the red panda faces the same fate as their big twice removed cousins. Organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund  are doing the best they can, but the forest isn't going to grow back from being destroyed. The best advice I can give is to donate and inform, and pray for the little jerks. Because they are too cute to die off. 


  1. Hi Justin.I really didn't know that red panda is an endangered animal.The pictures are lovely and caught my attention immediately! And you did a good job on informing us on the living behavior of this cute animal.

  2. I just want to say those red pandas are TOO CUTE! I always thought that red pandas looked more like raccoons than pandas like their name say. It would be a shame if those cute things died out, we should do whatever we can to help them.

  3. Red pandas are so cute! It is so sad they are endangered. I actually have been able to see a red panda and it's babies because they were born in the children's zoo close to my hometown. They were so adorable and playful was so playful!
    I wish there was more we could do to help them.
